Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Qualifying salaries for EP and S-Pass workers raised

09/03/2011 (Wednesday)

New measures are being taken to improve the quality of foreign talent.

The Manpower Ministry will soon be raising the qualifying salary thresholds for Employment Pass (EP) and S Pass applicants.

Manpower Minister Gan Kim Yong told parliament today that this is to keep pace with local professional workers and to encourage companies to be more selective in hiring foreign talent.

During his Ministry's Committee Of Supply debate, Mr Gan responded to MP Liang Eng Hwa's concerns about E-P holders competing with local Professionals, Managers, Executives, and Technicians or PMETs for jobs.

"From 1 Jul 2011, to qualify for S Pass, applicants' monthly salaries will have to be $2,000 or more, up from $1,800 today. Similarly, the qualifying salary thresholds for Q1, P2, and P1 Passes will be raised to $2,800, $4,000, and $8,000 respectively."

Mr Gan said employers of existing EP and S Pass holders will be given a one-time renewal of up to 2 years to meet the salary thresholds.

Further renewals thereafter will be subjected to the new salary criteria.

Existing EP and S Pass holders who cannot meet the new salary criteria may also apply for lower pass types for which they are eligible.

Mr Gan added the Government will continue to tilt the balance in favour of local PMETs by helping them upgrade and become more productive.

"I would like to also add that we cannot close our doors to foreign talent. Foreign talent continues to be critical for our growth and help to grow the economic pie, so that everyone will have a bigger share. Otherwise, we will lose our attractiveness as an investment destination and we will not be able to create good jobs for locals."


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