Wednesday, March 16, 2011

[灵异事件] Kemayan City Mall 的故事

2011年3月16日 水曜日 雨

Vandals have stripped the Kemayan City Shopping Mall of anything that is of value, even drain covers.

The RM400 million complex is nothing but a waste of tax payers’ money as it has been abandoned for years. — Pictures by Jassmine Shadiqe

Filth all over the floor of the mall.

昨天泡论坛时看到一宗以前发生在新山Tampoi Kipmart对面已经废弃的建筑物:Kemayan City Mall的灵异事件。凡事眼见为实,传闻有时未必是真的,因为人云亦云的关系,大家说着说着,有时就把假的谣言当成是真的灵异事件了。再说这灵异故事的说服力不足,让人觉得有点假,难以相信。得空的话还是自己去那里查看个究竟,以辨其真伪。


自建成以来陆续发生有人目击鬼魂和各种神秘案件。到目前为止最有名的故事是从邻国新加坡的游客告诉了其关于那座商场的经历。这是关于一个家庭在他们出席其在马六甲的亲戚的婚礼仪式后返回新加坡Woodlands时的经历。之后他们把他们真实的经历告诉了柔佛州的Falaq Syarie单位。据证词,在他们返回新加坡的途中,他们看到了一个据说在早期前废弃的商场装饰着大量迷人彩灯和见到大量的公众进入该商场,似乎正在进行盛大的活动。然后,他们停下来思考,这间商场终于开张营业了啊。由于时间还早,他们计划去里面看看。之后他们发现,一个大型的娱乐和销售活动配合商场的盛大开幕仪式在进行着。经过约半小时在商场里的观光和消费,那个家庭继续他们返回到新加坡的旅程,他们顺道在距离该地区不远处位于甘榜加兰巴西亲戚的房子进行了短暂访问。



Submitted to Paracrypt RSG at Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Kemayan City mystery

Kemayan City Mall is a well-known abandoned building for its mysterious ghostly accounts especially to local residents in the area of Tampoi, Skudai and Johor Bahru. The abandoned building was actually a consisting of residential and commercial spaces (Cineplex, supermarket, shopping mall etc). In late 90s due to the Asian Economic Crisis the construction project was stopped and though the exterior of the complex was complete, the interior was hardly usable.

Various accounts of ghostly sightings and mysterious cases occurred since. Most famously told till now was stories experienced by tourist from neighboring country Singapore regarding the complex. It was about a family who was on their way back to Woodland Singapore after attending their relative's wedding ceremony in Malacca. Their true life experience was told to the Unit Falaq Syarie Johore. According to the witnesses, while they were on their way to Singapore, they saw the complex which supposedly abandoned earlier was decorated in a glamorous and colourful lights with a lot of peoples came and entering the complex, and it seems something grand was ongoing. Then they stopped by thinking that the complex was finally open for business and since it was still early they planned to have a look inside. What they found was, a grand opening ceremony of the complex was in place with a lot of entertainment and sales. After spending for about half an hour sightseeing in the complex, the family continue their journey to Singapore but stopped by at their relative's house in Kampung Pasir not far from the area for a short visit.

The family then told their relatives bout the grand opening and also show them goods which they have bought at the mall. However, they were surprised to see that all goods like T Shirts and other things turn to dry leaves and also missing. Most shocking part was they were told by their relatives that the mall was never been open for business till now and it the buildings has been left emptied for many years.

How far the claim was true, till now the abandoned building of Kemayan City Mall was still a mystery and various haunting experienced told by not only from Singapore but also the locals from other cities who have been 'tricked' by the mysterious events.

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