Thursday, May 5, 2011

Singapore General Election 2011 Spoof Pictures

Funny pictures, videos edited and uploaded by netizens during the period of Singapore General Election 2011... ;)


Chiam See Tong as Rocky

The Ultimate Winner movie poster spoof

Low Thia Khiang as 关云长

Nicole Seah as The Little Nonya

Angry Birds Spoof

The Driver and the Co-Driver analogy spoof

Homefront Spoof

The Legend of Liu Spoof

Die Hard Spoof

Low Thia Khiang as Spiderman

Chiam See Tong as Ip Man

Chiam See Tong as "Captain Singapore"

Mah Bow Tan as Carl in UP

Chee Soon Juan as the Flash

Chen Show Mao as Thor

Nicole Seah as GI Joe

The entire SDP team as Star Trek crew

Low Thia Khiang as Bruce Lee

Tanjong Pagar GRC is still a walkover (taken from

PM Lee Hsien Loong got himself a co-driver.

PM Lee comes out to say "Sorry Sorry"...

...followed by other ministers.

We welcome the newcomer in Taichi, Tin Pei Ling.

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