Thursday, June 30, 2011

Are Singaporeans working more for less?

By Alicia Wong | Fit to Post Finance – Thu, Jun 30, 2011

Private sector workers' wages grew by 5.5 percent in 2010, according to the Ministry of Manpower. (AFP photo)

A strong economy and tightening labour market saw private sector workers' wages grow last year, said the Ministry of Manpower (MOM).

But with a significant leap in labour productivity, did the wage increase keep pace?

The MOM's latest findings show total wages, which comprise of basic wages and the annual variable component, rose by 5.5 percent in 2010, after contracting by 0.4 percent the year before.

After accounting for inflation, real total wages rose by 2.7 percent in 2010, after declining by 1 percent in 2009.

Labour productivity increased significantly by 11 percent in 2010, after two years of declines, reported the MOM. The Ministry attributed the increase to a "robust GDP growth".

The difference in the wage increase and productivity climb has seen one recruitment consultancy question if employees are now "working more for less".

Are we working more for less pay? (Screenshot from Ministry of Manpower)

"The real wage increase is only 2.7 per cent at the back of a significant market recovery post-global financial crisis in 2009," Robert Walters Singapore's director of Financial Services & Legal Pan Zaixian pointed out.

It is "not a considerable wage increment" after taking into consideration the 11 percent increase in productivity, he said. "It seems that the higher increase in output has not translated much more in real wage increment terms."

"Hence, the question is -- are we working for less?" he asked.

Recruitment firm Adecco SEA's regional director Lynne Ng, however, placed the ball in the employees' court by noting that Singapore is "most definitely continuing to be an employee driven market".

She said, "The extremely tight labour market in Singapore with its low unemployment rate is driving up wages and job seeker expectations. Job seekers are holding out for the very best offers and in many cases carefully evaluating several job offers before making a final decision."

"This is very different to the situation in late 2008 and 2009," she added.

Among the industries, higher value-added ones generally paid better, said MOM based on the findings of its occupational wage survey 2010.

The financial services industry was the highest-paying out of many occupational groups, while hotels and restaurants as well as construction sectors were among the lowest-paying industries.

Pan said that since the 2009 financial crisis impacted the financial services industry more than others, the industry thus saw a higher year-on-year increase in wages relative to other industries during the 2010 market recovery.

Ng noted that the sector quickly turned around after the economic challenges of late 2009 and early 2010.

Monthly gross wage by occupational group, June 2010. (Screenshot from the Ministry of Manpower)

Figures show managers continued to command the highest median gross monthly salary at $6,300 in June 2010, while professionals came in second at $4,300. The third-highest paid were the associate professionals and technicians with a median pay of $2,987.

Clerical support workers and service and sales workers earned about $2,000 and $1,788, respectively.

Cleaners, labourers and related workers were the lowest-paid with a median pay of $960. Plant and machine operators were the second-lowest paid with a median salary of $1,896.

The MOM report also found that managers and professionals were more likely to get higher pay as they grow older, while blue-collar and lower-skilled workers' pay peaked early in their 30s.

What are salary expectations for 2011?

"From a percentage increase point of view, I don't foresee higher increases than last year as inflation in Singapore looks to be more contained this year," Pan said.

The market is also more "bottom-line conscious" because of uncertainties in the wider global economies, he added.

On the other hand, Adecco's Ng said she expects to see wages growing in 2011 and that "it will continue to be an employee driven market".

The MOM survey on annual wage changes for 2010 sampled 4,336 private sector establishments with a total of 1,039,100 employees. The survey was conducted using mail questionnaires with clarifications over the phone.

The occupational wage survey 2010 sampled 3,304 private sector establishments, covering some 223,500 CPF contributors in full-time employment. The survey was conducted through mail questionnaires.


[美國] 國際太空站險遭“垃圾”撞,6太空人逃生艙躲劫

國際 2011-06-29 19:40

(美國 華盛頓29日訊)地球週二凌晨險遭一枚大小如旅遊巴士的小行星擊中,最終小行星距地球1萬2千多公里擦身而過。科學家今次走漏眼,一度把這枚編號“2011MD”的小行星當成太空垃圾,直至上週飛臨地球前才發現搞錯。




















Wednesday, June 29, 2011

[台灣] 陸客自由行啟動,兩岸和平發展重要里程碑

國際 2011-06-28 18:09


(台灣 台北28日訊)中國居民赴台自由行週二正式啟動,來自北京、上海和廈門約290名首批中國遊客當天陸續抵達台灣,展開兩岸人民隔絕一甲子後,首次完全的自由流動。


























1. 一定不要動不動就說毛主席萬歲:台灣人聽到毛主席就跟提蔣介石3個字一樣,會認為這個人思想太陳舊。

2. 一定不要帶著“兒”音說話:台灣人認為中國人講話有股土腔,現在的台灣普通話只可能有些台語腔,卻不會有土腔。

3. 一定不要上茅房不關門:在台灣,進入衛生間前,得先敲下門,裡頭說“有人”,就別亂拽。進入如廁後,也記得關門上鎖,免得後頭人不留神嚇一跳。

4. 一定不要穿的大紅大綠卻沒梳頭:台灣人崇尚自然風,又四季如夏,簡單的衣裙足矣,無須穿得花紅柳綠,男士也不用穿西服外套。

5. 一定不要拉開大嗓門嚷嚷:中國人氣量足,無論走到哪兒都忘不了大聲講話,尤其到了餐廳,或者在路上講電話,都惟恐天下不知道您在幹嘛!在台灣,人們講話多細聲細氣。

6. 一定不要沒有時間觀念:台灣人的生活講效率,他們常說“搶時間”。台灣人說等一下就過來,意思說5分鐘,但是中國朋友可能聽起來是半小時之內趕過來。

7. 一定不要開車亂按喇叭:中國的駕駛人只要前面有一丁點兒動靜就會按喇叭;在台灣,無論鄉村都市很少聽到喇叭聲。街上有人穿越就得讓行人先行,否則您會被罰錢,還會遭人嗤之以鼻。

8. 一定不要隨處扔垃圾:台灣的垃圾是“不落地”的,必須分類包裝以後回收。包裝塑料袋也是特定的,不可以用自家裡沒用的袋子一包,就把垃圾扔了。那樣的話,環保單位會根據您的垃圾找到您罰錢的。

9. 一定不要大口吃肉、大口喝酒:台灣人講究養生,近年來吃蔬菜比吃肉要貴很多。台灣人看到肉就怕,多數人都會節食減肥。所以來台灣就多品嚐特色美食,別盡想吃大魚大肉。

10. 一定不要用美音法唱歌:台灣人無論男女老少都喜歡唱歌,KTV有很多家,但是中國朋友唱歌(尤其是女士)喜歡用假嗓子飆高音,這就跟台灣人唱歌發聲不同。台灣歌星在中國很火爆,無論是早期的鄧麗君,現在的蔡依林、周華健、周傑倫、張惠妹沒有一個是飆嗓子型的,所以過時的唱法,也就不要帶來展示了。



Monday, June 27, 2011




















The Making of a Failed State: Zimbabwe VS Malaysia

Friday, 28 May 2010 Super Admin


by: Raja Petra Kamarudin

Zimbabwe bans newspapers and periodicals. To publish anything in Zimbabwe one needs a publishing licence. And if you violate the ‘terms’ of your publishing licence your licence will be cancelled and your publication will be banned.

It is the same in Malaysia. In fact, in Malaysia, even the printing company is required to apply for a licence. So the Malaysian government can take action against both the publisher as well as the printer. This is ‘one up’ on Zimbabwe.

In 2004, Zimbabwe introduced a detention without trial law. Malaysia did the same 44 years earlier -- in 1960. But in Zimbabwe you can be detained up to 30 days. In Malaysia, you are first detained up to 60 days and thereafter for an indefinite period of time. So Malaysia is, yet again, ‘one up’ on Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe does not allow students to get involved in politics. If they do then action is taken against them. Their scholarships will be withdrawn. The same goes in Malaysia. But in Malaysia they will get sacked from the university as well. So, yet again, Malaysia is ‘one up’ on Zimbabwe.

When we talk about Zimbabwe we always refer to that country as a failed state. We do not, however, consider Malaysia a failed state. This is because we only consider countries whose economies are in a shambles as failed states and Malaysia’s economy is not seen as in a shambles, just yet.

Do we need to wait until Malaysia’s economy is akin to Zimbabwe’s before we declare our country a failed state? There is many a criteria to a failed state, or a state heading in that direction. The state of the economy is just one of the criteria.

When racism and discrimination is not only rampant but state sanctioned as well, that is a mark of a failed state. And this is happening in Malaysia.

When abuse of power and corruption are the order of the day, that is a mark of a failed state. And this is happening in Malaysia.

When the police force is violent and plays the role of judge, jury and executioner, and when extrajudicial killings are almost a daily occurrence, that is a mark of a failed state. And this is happening in Malaysia.

When free speech is stifled and the right of association and peaceful assembly are curtailed, that is a mark of a failed state. And this is happening in Malaysia.

When the judiciary is not independent and judges do the bidding of the powers-that-be and are themselves violators of the law, that is a mark of a failed state. And this is happening in Malaysia.

When elections are rigged and one-sided and when there are no real free and fair elections, that is a mark of a failed state. And this is happening in Malaysia.

When there is no separation of powers and power is concentrated in the hands of one man, the Executive, that is a mark of a failed state. And this is happening in Malaysia.

And the list goes on. What you see in Zimbabwe you see in Malaysia, save maybe for the tribal killings. But where tribalism does not exist in Malaysia, racism does. So whether it is tribalism or racism, it is the same difference.

Ex-Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi used to lament that Malaysia is a country with a first-world infrastructure but a third-world mentality. Never has a truer word been said. And when the one-time Information Minister, Zainuddin Maideen, argued that Malaysia is a democracy because it has elections every five years (if you watch the Aljazeera video you can see he actually said ‘erection’) you know that even Malaysia’s ministers have a third-world mentality if, to him, democracy translates merely to holding an election every five years and nothing more than that.

Well, as I said yesterday, even Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad lamented that Malaysia is a police state and undemocratic in not allowing free speech and the right to assembly (when they blocked him for talking and from attending functions). So how can we disagree with Dr Mahathir who was Malaysia’s Prime Minister for 22 years? If Dr Mahathir says so then it must be so.

No, holding elections every five years does not make Malaysia a democracy. It takes more than just holding elections every five years to make a democracy. To start off, how are these elections held? Are they rigged and rife with fraud? In Malaysia’s case they certainly are.

Even countries like Indonesia allow the opposition equal airtime in the mainstream media and on TV. In Malaysia, they blackout the opposition unless it is negative news aimed at hurting the opposition.

We still have a long way to go to achieve the status of what Anwar Ibrahim calls masyarakat madani (civilised society). And until we stop shouting at Malaysians of Chinese and Indian ethnicity to go back to China and India every time they express their opinions, then Malaysia is no better than Zimbabwe.

By the way, in case many of you are not aware of this yet, the gaming licence just awarded to Vincent Tan is to raise money for the coming general election, which is expected to cost Barisan Nasional about RM1.5 billion. It is also to pay for the cost of the recent Hulu Selangor and Sibu by-elections and the Sarawak state election due soon.

So, if you are a true Malaysian, then it is your patriotic duty to boycott all gambling outlets owned by Vincent Tan. Patronising these outlets means you are assisting Barisan Nasional in cheating the Malaysian voters and in denying them their right to a free and fair election and their right to a government of their choice.

Furthermore, Vincent Tan financed the crossovers that resulted in the collapse of the Pakatan Rakyat Perak state government and he is still financing other crossovers from Pakatan Rakyat aimed at bringing down the Kedah and Selangor state governments. Why do you think Ibrahim Ali and Dr Mahathir have not spoken out on the issue of Vincent Tan's gaming licence?


一个失败国度的形成:津巴布韦 VS 马来西亚

作者∶Raja Petra Kamarudin
原题∶The making of a failed state



在2004年, 津巴布韦颁布了未经审讯就能扣留的法令。马来西亚早在1960年,也就是44年前就干了这回事。不过在津巴布韦你最多能被扣留到30天。而在马来西亚,你起先能被扣留到60天,然后就是无限期了。所以马来西亚又再胜津巴布韦多“一筹”。



我们是否要等到马来西亚的经济与津巴布韦一样了,才来说我们的国家是个失败国度呢? 一个失败国度有许多特征,或正朝着那方向的状况。国家经济只是其中之一个特征。









前首相敦阿都拉时常说,马来西亚是个建设一流,思维却是三流的国家。这话说得实在太好了。而当过资讯部长的Zainuddin Maideen还声称马来西亚有民主,因为它每五年就举办一次选举。(若你有看他在Aljazeera电视台的访谈片断就能看出他其实是在说“勃起”)你就能知道即使马来西亚的部长也只有三流的思维,若对他来说,民主也就是每五年举办一次选举,就这么而已。

就如我昨天所说,即使敦马哈迪医生也曾埋怨说马来西亚是个警察国度,不民主地不容许自由言论与集会自由(当他们阻挡他说话与参加活动时候)。所以我们怎能不同意成为马来西亚首相共22年的人呢? 若马哈迪医生这么说,那么就是真的了。

不,每五年举办一次选举并不代表马来西亚就是个民主国家。民主肯定比每五年举办一次选举来得更加多。例如说,这些选举是如何举办的呢? 他们是否在操纵着呢? 在马来西亚,他们就肯定有了。


我们要达到安华所谓的masyarakat madani(文明社会)的境界还有很长的路途要走。若我们不停止在每次马来西亚华人与印度人在发表他们的意见时就喊他们回去中国与印度的话,那么马来西亚就不会比津巴布韦好到哪里去。



况且,陈志远资助让霹雳民联倒台的青蛙,也还在资助其他民联的青蛙,期望也让吉打与雪兰莪政府倒台。不然你们以为Ibrahim Ali与马哈迪医生怎么对陈志远的赌球执照都闷声不响呢?






2011-06-26 18:56












2011-06-26 18:45









(星洲日報/情在人間 作者:蔡思潔 《星洲日報》國際新聞組首席記者 言論不代表本站立場)


Sunday, June 26, 2011

[新加坡] 次季转售组屋溢价,中位数回升或破3万

李静仪 (2011-06-26)


  组屋转售价格持续攀升,而之前一连几个季度都下滑的现金溢价中位数(Median COV)也明显回升,看来今年第二季会再突破三万元大关,回升到去年同期的高水平。




  五房式溢价也上涨了1万元(43%),至3万3000元;公寓式组屋(Executive flat)猛涨了1万5000元或50%,至4万5000元;连三房式溢价也起了8000元,逼近3万元。






















2011年06月26日 11:05:47





我们这些努力的一个显著成果就是,中国保持了快速稳定的增长。2008年至2010年间,中国国内生产总值(GDP)分别增长了9.6%、9.2%和 10.3%,同期消费者价格指数(CPI)增幅则分别为5.9%、-0.7%和3.3%,全国城镇地区新增3380万个就业岗位。今年,中国仍保持了稳健的增长。



中国还施行了灵活、审慎的经济政策,并确保它们具有针对性和可持续性。我们的预算赤字和债务余额占GDP的比例,分别低于3%和20%。政府预算赤字在2010年和2011年都得到了削减。自 2009年中期以来,我们一直使用货币政策工具吸取过剩的流动性。在2009年第四季度,在维持经济平稳较快增长、进行结构性调整和控制通胀之间取得平衡,被列为宏观调控的主要目标。从2010年1月以来,银行准备金率和基准存贷款利率分别上调了12次和4次。货币和信贷供应因此恢复到了正常水平。 2010年6月,人民币汇率机制改革有所加快,人民币兑美元汇率已升值5.3%。






June 23, 2011 10:11 pm

How China plans to reinforce the global recovery

By Wen Jiabao

About three years have passed since the eruption of the financial crisis. Thanks to the joint efforts of the international community, the global economy is recovering. Yet there remain many uncertainties, and the recovery is fragile. Global growth is uneven; unemployment in developed economies remains high; government debt risks in some countries have mounted; inflationary pressure is increasing. While the shock of the crisis has yet to end, new risks have emerged. The world must co-operate closely to meet the challenges.

China has moved swiftly to fight the financial crisis, adjusting macroeconomic policy to expand domestic demand, and introducing a stimulus package to maintain growth, advance reform and improve people’s lives. By taking these steps, we have overcome extreme difficulties and laid a solid foundation for China’s development.

A notable result of our response to the crisis is that China has maintained steady and fast growth. Between 2008 and 2010, China’s gross domestic product grew at an annual rate of 9.6, 9.2 and 10.3 per cent respectively. The consumer prices index over the same period was 5.9, -0.7 and 3.3 per cent; 33.8m new urban jobs were created. China has maintained sound growth this year.

The thrust of China’s response to the crisis is to expand domestic demand and stimulate the real economy, strengthen the basis for long-term development and make growth domestically driven. We have implemented a two-year, Rmb4,000bn ($618bn) investment programme covering infrastructure development, economic structural adjustment, improving people’s well-being and protection of the environment. As a result, 10,800 km of railways and about 300,000 km of roads have been built and 210m kW of installed capacity for power generation have been added. We have boosted support for science and technology including by encouraging companies to carry out technological upgrading and innovation. More than Rmb1,000bn have been spent in rebuilding after the Wenchuan earthquake. In the affected areas, quality infrastructure and public facilities were constructed, and 4.83m rural houses and 1.75m urban apartments were rebuilt or reinforced. The quake-hit areas have taken on a new look. We are working to improve the balance between domestic and external demand, with the share of trade surplus in GDP dropping from 7.5 per cent in 2007 to 3.1 in 2010. China’s rapid growth and increase in imports are an engine driving the global recovery.

In fighting the crisis, China has made huge strides in developing social programmes, which was beyond our means just a few years ago. We have made breakthroughs in building a social security system covering urban and rural areas. We have introduced a rural old-age insurance scheme which will cover 60 per cent of counties in China this year. The basic urban medical insurance scheme and rural co-operative medical care scheme now cover more than 90 per cent of the population. All Chinese now have access to free compulsory education. Government spending on education has grown to 3.69 per cent of GDP.

It has also pursued flexible and prudent economic policies, and ensured they are targeted and sustainable. Our budget deficit and debt balance are respectively below 3 and 20 per cent of GDP. The government budget deficit has been cut in 2010 and 2011. Since mid-2009, we have used monetary policy tools to absorb excess liquidity. In the fourth quarter of 2009, to strike a balance between maintaining steady and fast growth, conducting structural adjustment and managing inflation were set as the main goal of macroeconomic regulation. Since January 2010, the required reserve ratio and benchmark deposit and lending rates have been raised 12 times and four times respectively. So growth in money and credit supply has returned to normal. In June 2010, reform of the renminbi exchange rate regime was advanced, and the renminbi has appreciated 5.3 per cent against the US dollar.

There is concern as to whether China can rein in inflation and sustain its rapid development. My answer is an emphatic yes. Rapid price rises pose a common challenge to many countries, especially other emerging economies and China. China has made capping price rises the priority of macroeconomic regulation and introduced a host of targeted policies. These have worked. The overall price level is within a controllable range and is expected to drop steadily. The output of grain, of which there is now an abundant supply, has increased for seven years in a row. There is an oversupply of main industrial products. Imports are growing fast. We are confident price rises will be firmly under control this year.

China is now at a new starting point in its drive for development. We have adopted the 12th five-year plan which calls for shifting the development model. We will continue to pursue economic structural adjustment, boost research and development, and education, save energy and resources, promote ecological and environmental conservation, and narrow the regional and urban-rural gap. China’s drive for industrialisation and urbanisation is gathering pace. Its economy is increasingly market-oriented and internationalised. We are fully capable of sustaining steady and fast economic growth.

China will continue to work with other countries with common responsibilities. We should make concerted efforts to strengthen the co-ordination of macroeconomic policies, fight protectionism, improve the international monetary system and tackle climate change and other challenges. We should welcome the fast development of emerging economies, respect different models of development, increase help to least developed countries to enhance their capacity for self-development, and promote strong, sustainable and balanced growth of the global economy.

The writer is China’s premier


Saturday, June 25, 2011


2011-06-24 09:02



















(星洲日報/馬荷加尼 作者:鄭丁賢 《星洲日報》副總編輯)



2011-06-24 19:12









Friday, June 24, 2011

[新加坡] 食物与交通价格上涨带动,新加坡5月份通胀率达4.5%

2011-06-24 早报导读 何丽丽









  巴克莱资本在新加坡的区域经济师梭法(Prakriti Sofat)表示,5月份通胀率超出预期主要是因为拥车证投标价和电费高涨。她指出,由于人力市场紧缩,薪金将随着生活成本上涨而上扬,导致服务业价格上涨。此外,中国和欧洲的恶劣天气也将对下半年的食品价格造成上升风险。



  汇丰银行经济师埃斯克森(Leif Eskesen)说,5月份的通胀率仍维持在高水平,因此估计金管局不会放下对通胀的“戒心”。

  大华银行经济师赵佩妮则表示,下半年的整体通胀率(headline inflation)将放缓,主要因为之前几轮的货币政策收紧以及整体经济放缓。她估计金管局将不会在10月份将货币政策进一步收紧。



[Singapore] Buying Shoe Boxes?

June 24, 2011

© Urban Redevelopment Authority. All rights reserved

When I first read of this term, I felt it rather derogatory. But apparently, it is a common term in the industry globally. It refers to an apartment which is very small, typically below 500 sq ft. This is about the size of a standard hotel room here. (A 3R standard HDB is about 700 sq ft.)

Many Hong Kong apartments are almost shoe-boxes; Tokyo too. Singaporeans are however house proud and we want our apartments to be cosy, comfortable and spacious. Most will not have land, but they must not be claustrophobic.

The emergence of shoe-box units here is a recent phenomenon. And it seems to have a demand. The annual take-up of such units has increased from 300 units in 2008 to 1,900 in 2010, or from 6% to 12% of developers’ sales over the same period.

80% of the buyers are Singaporeans, presumably for investment, with a view to rent to expats or singles.

Industry analysts and developers made these comments to me about shoe boxes.

First, many of these units will be completed soon. By 2014, the total number of completed units will increase from 1,100 to 3,800, based on known plans.

Second, some developers who bid high prices for sale sites, are planning to build shoe-box units, adding to the build up.

Third, the newer shoe-box developments are in the suburbs. Their appeal to tenants remains untested.

Some analysts wonder aloud if buyers know what they are in for. Some have suggested that the government should step in to impose a minimum size.

My instinct is not to second guess the market. Some shoe-box units do add to the diversity of housing options here. But we are closely watching its development.

For now, what is important is for potential buyers to weigh the benefits and risks carefully.

On our part, we are requiring developers to give buyers an accurate representation of the units they are buying, both within the show flats and in the sales materials. Analysts can also help refine their analysis by including separate analysis for each category of housing products. Comparing price per sq ft for different products is like comparing apples with oranges.

A shoebox unit is not the same as a 3 room flat. So please go in with eyes open.


[Singapore] Massive home supply to hit outskirts

by Ku Swee Yong
04:47 AM Jun 24, 2011

2013 is less than two years away. I am feeling less lonely in expressing my views about the physical completion supply of residential units. It has been five years since I started to scrutinise the total stock of residential units in the pipeline, that is, current stock plus expected completions minus demolitions from en bloc programmes.

Occasionally, people still ask: "Why look at completed supply when land sales are hotly bid and developers sell out most of their stock before construction has completed?"

Regardless of the take up of pre-sales, physical supply and demand will ultimately influence future prices, rentals and returns.

Two weeks ago, in an entry titled My Worries, National Development Minister Khaw Boon Wan cautioned in his blog ( about the "massive supply that will hit the market from 2013". As of March 31, the official supply numbers for the next four years are as in the table.

Mr Khaw's worry is about the total 50,826 units that could be completed in 2013 to 2015. With a historical long-term average supply of 8,000 units per year, the average of 17,000 units per year of supply from 2013 to 2015 seems risky should demand from users and tenants not increase in tandem.

I have pointed out in previous commentaries in this newspaper and in my recently published book, Real Estate Riches, that there are inaccuracies in the supply data.

IPA's own estimates are that the completions will take place earlier than what is reported by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA), which compiles and presents data based on submissions by developers. For our discussions in this article, let us assume the numbers above to be accurate.

Where are the areas we shouldbe concerned about?

Almost all of the completions expected in 2013 and beyond were launched after the 2008 Lehman crisis. In fact, as the luxury home market struggles to find its feet from the depths of 2009, the mass market residential segment has taken off in terms of value and the number of transactions.

From its trough in 2Q2009, the price index for non-landed residential properties in the Core Central Region (CCR) increased 42 per cent to 204 points from 144 points. The same index for Outside Central Region (OCR) climbed more rapidly, up 54 per cent to 185 points from 120 points.

Many Singaporeans are not surprised to hear of transactions in the outskirts, such as Jurong West, Pasir Ris and Yishun, at S$1,000 to S$1,500 per square foot - even for mass market finishes on 99-year leasehold land.

In terms of the number of homes being constructed, the proportion of units in the more luxurious locations inside CCR will decline from 33 per cent in 2013 to 26 per cent in 2015.

This means the proportion of units in the outskirts (OCR) and mid-tier locations (RCR) of Singapore will rise from 67 per cent to 74 per cent. Now, the percentage rise may seem mild but in absolute numbers, we can expect 8,686 units to be completed within the OCR and RCR in 2013, 13,014 units in 2014 and 14,510 units in 2015.

For the optimistic, those numbers may still be matched by demand from strong job growth, new Permanent Residents and other pass holders - assuming a generous talent attraction programme,

However, when we include the additional supply of public housing and its accelerated pace of building, the numbers start to pile up. We can expect the 16,000 units of HDB flats launched last year to be completed in 2013 and another 22,000 (very likely more) units to be completed in 2014 and 2015.

And with Mr Khaw calling on HDB to build ahead of demand, it has effectively moved from Build-to-Order to Ordered-to-Build. So the completion of HDB units in 2015 and beyond could also be significantly ratcheted up.

Now, we know that the mature estates have limited land to accommodate new HDB units. We estimate that almost all of the 22,000 units launched this year to be completed in 2014 and, say, a ratcheted-up 28,000 units to be completed in 2015 will be in the OCR and RCR.

In terms of physical supply and demand from end users, new HDB flats in mature estates such as Holland Road (situated inside CCR) do not compete with private homes priced at well above S$1,000 psf.

However, new HDB flats - and the vast supply of them - in OCR locations such as Hougang, Bedok or Bukit Panjang will compete for attention from first-time home owners or parents who are financing their children's first marital homes.

Therefore, I perceive the risks of the "massive supply" weighing heavily against private residential projects in the outskirts. Even riskier would be the smaller-sized apartments in the outskirts that were purchased at prices 20 to 40 per cent above the neighbourhood's average psf prices.

Conversely, with very few residential land sales and en bloc programmes in Districts 9, 10 and 11 since 2009, we can hardly expect significant fresh supply in CCR in 2013 to 2015. A significant number of completions in CCR come from the projects delayed since the previous peak, such as d'Leedon (en bloc), Leedon Residence (en bloc) and South Beach (Government Land Sales).

While many investors may be concerned about short-term market jitters, others are looking to take advantage of the uncertainty by searching for solid long-term value buys that offer strong downside protection in the older CCR properties. Our recommendation will be to explore the larger-sized apartments of 2,000 to 4,000 sq ft that were completed before this century.

The investment search might take a lot more effort as many gems lay hidden from us and probably hidden from the risks of the impending "massive supply".

Ku Swee Yong is the founder of real estate agency International Property Advisor, which provides services to high-net-worth individuals. He is the author of Real Estate Riches: Understanding Singapore's Property Market In A Volatile Economy (Marshall Cavendish).



2011-06-23 19:09









Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dirty hospital pillows pose hazard: UK study

04:47 AM Jun 23, 2011

LONDON - Hospital patients are at risk of catching infections such as MRSA and C difficile from "biohazard" pillows which are ridden with 30 different bugs, according to a new study.

Nurses are required to regularly wash their hands and disinfect bed frames and mattresses, but underestimate the risk of infection from dirty pillows, said the report.

But dead skin, dandruff, dirty air and contaminated fluids found on pillows in hospital wards expose patients to the risk of diseases ranging from seasonal flu to chickenpox, hepatitis and even leprosy.

The study by St Bartholomew's Hospital and The London National Health Service (NHS) Trust found 30 different types of infection in a sample of pillows taken from hospital wards, posing a significant risk of infection.

While used linen and bedding is changed and laundered between patients and is routinely cleaned, the study found a "very high and unacceptable percentage" of damaged pillows on three test wards.

Tears to the lining or stitching of pillows mean they cannot be effectively cleaned and patients could be exposed to infection.

Germs are released through tears and the stitching of standard NHS pillows when pressure is applied - for example when a patient lays their head down, it added.

The study was sponsored by SleepAngel, which has developed a hermetically sealed pillow to minimise the risk of spreading infection through stitching.

Tests showed that, after three months of use in hospitals, none of these pillows were contaminated on the inside.

Dr Arthur Tucker, Principal Clinical Scientist and Senior Lecturer at St Barts and the London Hospitals and author of the report, said: "The presence of these bugs means that they can and will be passed to patients."

The Daily Telegraph


[Singapore] Throwing the book at discriminatory hiring

by Cheow Xin Yi and Ong Dai Lin
04:47 AM Jun 23, 2011

MOM evokes little-known provision against recruitment agency which advertised vacancies for PRs and Employment Pass holders only

SINGAPORE - A little-known provision under the Employment Agencies Act was evoked recently to take a recruitment agency to task for advertising online for permanent residents and Employment Pass holders only.

It is believed to be the first time the law was applied in such a manner.

The clause, found among the 29 sections, bars employment agencies from acting in "a manner detrimental to public interest" or risk suspension.

On Tuesday, Minister of State (Manpower) Tan Chuan-Jin disclosed in a Facebook posting that the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) will issue a warning to the recruitment agency after it had spoken to the firm. Brigadier-General (NS) Tan was alerted by a netizen to the agency's job ad.

In reply to MediaCorp's queries, an MOM spokesperson said the Employment Agencies Licensing Branch investigated the agency - believed to be Antal International - for possible breaches arising from a public complaint.

"Due to the discriminatory nature of the online advertisement, the recruitment agency was considered ... to have acted in a manner which is detrimental to the public's interest," the spokesperson said.

The spokesperson added that the agency was only warned because it has "since taken immediate rectification actions". The MOM did not say how many such warnings it had issued before.

It is not only recruitment agencies that show a preference for certain types of candidates. Some companies have specified in job ads on their websites that only certain nationalities need apply. For instance, Chip Eng Seng Corporation, which was looking for a project manager and an architectural structural coordinator earlier this year, stated on its website it preferred candidates with Indian citizenship. This caused a stir among netizens and the company later removed the ads.

The company did not reply to MediaCorp's queries.

Asked about employers' actions, MOM said they "should recognise the value of hiring on merit, leverage on the synergies that could be derived from a diverse workforce, and not let stereotypes exclude candidates that can do the job". It added that only relevant criteria such as qualifications, skills and experience should be used for job ads.

The Republic uses the "promotional and educational approach" on this issue, with the Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices (TAFEP) leading the engagement with companies. MOM said members of the public who encounter discriminatory job ads may provide feedback to TAFEP, which will then help these companies to "review and improve their hiring and advertising practices".

Most recruiters MediaCorp spoke to said they were unaware of the rule governing employment agencies. Cornerstone Career Connnections recruiter Kevin Tay said it was common for clients to request for only foreigners, and he has had to stop doing business with those who insist on this.

Singapore Human Resource Institute executive director David Ang said some contracts between recruiters and clients actually require them to find only foreigners - in cases where the company "has done their part in finding Singaporeans" but are unable to do so because of a shortage of locals with relevant skills. "The recruiter should be more precise in their ad and say 'in fulfilling our contract, we're looking for this group of people', something to that effect, so as not to give an impression that they're being discriminatory," he said.

But Mr Tay believes some consultants "will be put on the spot". Said Mr Tay: "As human beings, you can't just change (employers') mindsets easily."

He thinks the law should be extended to employers, to be fair to recruitment firms.

But Mr Josh Goh, assistant director of corporate services at recruitment agency The GMP Group, feels that legislation for employers will not be as effective in the long run as education.

"Companies will go underground and make it even more difficult for the Government to educate companies about their social responsibility," he said.

Member of Parliament and trade unionist Alex Yam said a balance has to be struck: "Not everything should have a stick. We encourage fair employment as a start ... Most companies do that, and we'll try to encourage that."

He added that extra discussions will be needed to see if Antal International can serve as a case study to formulate future policies.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

[国内] 依布拉欣和他的免死牌

作者:杨艾琳 日期:2011年6月22日 时间:傍晚 6点10分

















bersih rally 271207 02所以,如果华人都出来游行,那得感谢谁?当然是依布拉欣。如果自扫门前雪的人,突然关心起政治来,那得感谢谁?当然是依布拉欣。如果听到种族这两个字就很激动的人,突然发现自己是Anak Malaysia的时候,那得感谢谁?当然是依布拉欣。因为大家看到依布拉欣,就看到极端是民主最致命的伤。




Price of Centrale 8 DBSS flats lowered

by Esther Ng
06:07 AM Jun 22, 2011

Centrale 8 at Tampines - a DBSS by Sim Lian Group

SINGAPORE - Centrale 8's developer has reduced the prices of its Design, Build and Sell Scheme flats (DBSS), possibly "caving in" to public pressure, property analysts told MediaCorp.

The most expensive five-room flat is now S$778,000, down from S$880,000.

While Sim Lian Group reiterated yesterday that its initial prices were only indicative, ERA Asia Pacific associate director Eugene Lim pointed out: "When developers reveal their price range, it's usually quite close. For instance, (the previous DBSS project) Adora Green's selling prices were exactly their indicative prices."

SLP International executive director of research and consultancy Nicholas Mak said: "Like any business, they took the risk - they wanted to see if the market would respond positively to their prices or not."

Sim Lian said last week it the premium cost was due to the project's location in Tampines Regional Centre with mature amenities, and the promixity to Tampines MRT station and the future Downtown Line 3 MRT interchange.

In a press release yesterday, Sim Lian Group chief executive officer Kuik Sin Pin said the new price range was decided based on the resale prices, age and location of HDB flats in the same vicinity, prevailing economic conditions and proximity to transport networks and good public facilities.

ERA's Mr Lim said Sim Lian could have been "genuinely pressured" to adjust the pricing.

He added, "The Minister himself said that if you price it too high, no one will want to buy from you."

However, Suntec Chesterton International head of research and consultancy Colin Tan felt that in all probability, the developer would have offered home buyers a discount to its indicative price range. Now, he said, Sim Lian will be making a smaller profit.

The developer did not say how many applications it received when the deadline closed yesterday.

But Mr Lim reckons that the flats are still "pricey": "Usually, the premium above a resale flat for a DBSS is between S$100,000 to S$150,000."

Analysts pointed out that Tampines is a more popular mature estate compared to Yishun, where the lower-priced Adora Green, which is 96 per cent sold after its February launch, is located.

"Centrale 8 not only has the amenities and conveniences, but offers high rental value - this could add five to 10 per cent more in pricing," said Cushman & Wakefield vice-chairman Donald Han.

Mr Mak had another take: "Sim Lian probably thought it had no competition, as there's not much land in Tampines for the Government to launch BTOs."

Centrale 8 pricing
by Esther Ng

Centrale 8' Indicative Prices

Three-Room $397,000 to $510,000

Four-Room $531,000 to $683,000

Five-Room $685,000 to $880,000

Confirmed Price Range

Three-Room $389,000 to $445,000

Four-Room $511,000 to $592,000

Five-Room $685,000 to $778,000


Singapore 'to overtake Switzerland as top wealth management centre'

by Teo Xuanwei
06:07 AM Jun 22, 2011

SINGAPORE - Amid increased financial regulatory pressures in the West post-financial crisis, the Republic has been tipped to oust Switzerland as the world's top wealth management centre within the next two years, according to a survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) published yesterday.

Strong growth in emerging markets in Asia was also another reason behind the survey respondents' bullish prediction that Singapore would leapfrog Switzerland and London to the perch. Hong Kong was also expected to jump ahead of London into third place.

The PwC study, titled Global Private Banking and Wealth Management Survey 2011, involved 275 firms from 67 countries.

PwC's leader of Asia-Pacific global private banking and wealth management Justin Ong said the key factors in the Republic's favour include its strong regulatory environment, efforts by the Government and regulator to promote and develop private banking activities and tax incentives for the wealth management industry.

Private wealth managers Today spoke to felt it was only a matter of time before Singapore overtook Switzerland and London, given that Monetary Authority of Singapore statistics showed that the industry here had grown by 13 per cent to manage S$1.4 trillion last year.

Over the last five years, the industry has recorded an average growth rate of 16 per cent, propelling Singapore from being a small player - according to Boston Consulting Group, in 2007, Switzerland had four times as much offshore assets under management as Singapore - to becoming contenders as top dog.

Said Hoffman & Partners founder and managing partner Urs Brutsch: "We're certainly exceptionally well-positioned to become No 1 because Singapore has all the right ingredients, such as booming economies around the region, a supportive regulator and stable political climate."

Traditional powerhouses such as Switzerland and London will, at best, probably only retain the assets they already hold, he said. HSBC Private Bank chief executive Nancie Dupier noted: "Many wealth management clients already value Singapore's corruption-free environment and emphasis on client confidentiality and these will become increasingly strong pull factors as regulatory concerns grow in importance."

While the exodus of fund managers from the West has been attributed to a harsher regulatory regime, the MAS had reiterated earlier this month that the Republic's laws matched, and in some cases, exceeded international standards.

Mr Brutsch, however, described the two-year timeframe for Singapore to become the top wealth management centre in the world as "incredibly ambitious".

"The mature industries will not fall asleep, they will not stop moving ... there's quite some way to go before we can overtake Switzerland," he said.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

[China] Shenzhen to ban electric bicycles

04:47 AM Jun 21, 2011

HONG KONG - China's city of Shenzhen will ban electric bicycles from using most roads from next month, a move that could cut demand for lead-acid batteries.

The city, with about 500,000 of the "e-bikes", will keep the ban for six months and review the policy in December, the China Daily reported yesterday.

The policy was being implemented due to safety concerns after 64 people were killed and 233 were injured in 268 accidents caused by "e-bikes" last year in the city. In China, "e-bikes" have up till now not been subject to any licences, including a driving licence, making accident investigations difficult. Other Chinese cities may follow Shenzhen's ban in the future.

Beijing last month reinstated and strengthened the requirements for the use of "e-bikes" in the country, the world's biggest market for the lead-powered bicycles.

Batteries for "e-bikes" accounted for about 20 per cent of China's 3.7 million tonnes of refined lead consumption last year with annual production of more than 17 million "e-bikes", according to research firm Antaike. Reuters


Sunday, June 19, 2011

[新加坡] 關卡不再大堵塞,入境新山交通改善

國際 2011-06-19 20:39













[德國] 小溪驗出大腸桿菌,恐轉移到周邊環境

國際 2011-06-19 18:07

(德國 柏林19日訊)德國當局在法蘭克福東北部一條小溪驗出大腸桿菌。官員估計,病菌可能來自附近一間污水處理廠,或受到附近人及動物的排泄物污染。














Saturday, June 18, 2011

[新加坡] 千年兵马俑,万里艰辛下南洋

莫美颜 (2011-06-16)





















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Friday, June 17, 2011

[Singapore] Will you pay S$880,000 for a HDB flat?

By PropertyGuru | Property Blog – Fri, Jun 17, 2011

5-room DBSS flat in Tampines going for $880,000

Centrale 8 at Tampines


Singapore's Minister of National Development Khaw Boon Wan has clarified that the S$880,000 five-room flats in Tampines belonged to a different class of housing options.

In his latest blog entry, Mr Khaw said that the "negative reaction from the ground was not surprising", but he added that DBSS flats are of a different class of housing type between HDB flats and executive condominiums and private condominiums.

He explained that DBSS flats are designed and priced by private developers. If there are no buyers, there will be no sales.

A five-room HDB flat at Centrale 8 in Tampines has been put on the market for a whopping S$880,000 (around $750 psf), the priciest new public flat to be released for sale under the Design, Build and Sell Scheme (DBSS) so far.

Measuring between 1,163 sq ft by 1,173 sq ft each, the 178 five-room units at the project cost nearly twice as much as standard flats sold in the recent Build-To-Order (BTO) project in Tampines, where a 1,216 sq ft flat cost up to S$444,000.

Mohamed Ismail, chief executive of PropNex, said that though the flats were built by Sim Lian Group under the DBSS, the price tag is still higher than any executive condominium.

He admitted that he did a double take when he first heard about the prices.

"No doubt it's in Tampines, which is a mature estate with many good things going for it, but it is still extremely high for a public housing flat," he said.

Despite the hefty price tag, a report from The Straits Times showed that the developer only paid S$261 psf ppr for the 21,132 sq ft site.

"The premium is due to its locale in Tampines Regional Centre with mature amenities such as banks, three shopping malls and the upcoming Integrated Lifestyle Hub," said a spokesman from Sim Lian, explaining the rationale behind the high pricing.

PropertyGuru analyst Tejaswi Chunduri said, "According to Sim Lian Group's indicative price range for Centrale 8, the price range for a five-room flat can be anywhere between S$685,000 and S$880,000. The floor area for these flats is in the range of 1163 to 1173 sq ft."

She added, "This will likely increase the asking price for newly developed projects as well as for the resale flats in estates island-wide."

"It is also within walking distance to the existing Tampines MRT Station and the future downtown line 3 MRT interchange."

However, Nicholas Mak, head of research at SLP International, said in an interview with ST that, while the location is good, it does not justify the flats' astronomical price tag.

"Another side effect is that it might encourage resale flat sellers in the area to increase their prices, as buyers would not need to wait for their units to be built," he said.

Prices of HDB flats have skyrocketed due to limited supply resulting from growing demand fuelled by mass-immigration. However, Khaw noted that "sharp property price increases cannot go on forever."

Mr Khaw assured Singaporeans that he will be ramping up the launches of more BTOs and pricing them appropriately.

25,000 units will be launched later this year, with 12,000 already in the market.

According to the Minister, larger launches may be in the works as they offer a wider range of choices.
