Tuesday, June 21, 2011

[China] Shenzhen to ban electric bicycles

04:47 AM Jun 21, 2011

HONG KONG - China's city of Shenzhen will ban electric bicycles from using most roads from next month, a move that could cut demand for lead-acid batteries.

The city, with about 500,000 of the "e-bikes", will keep the ban for six months and review the policy in December, the China Daily reported yesterday.

The policy was being implemented due to safety concerns after 64 people were killed and 233 were injured in 268 accidents caused by "e-bikes" last year in the city. In China, "e-bikes" have up till now not been subject to any licences, including a driving licence, making accident investigations difficult. Other Chinese cities may follow Shenzhen's ban in the future.

Beijing last month reinstated and strengthened the requirements for the use of "e-bikes" in the country, the world's biggest market for the lead-powered bicycles.

Batteries for "e-bikes" accounted for about 20 per cent of China's 3.7 million tonnes of refined lead consumption last year with annual production of more than 17 million "e-bikes", according to research firm Antaike. Reuters

Via: http://www.todayonline.com/World/EDC110621-0000036/Shenzhen-to-ban-electric-bicycles

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